Sonic Youth is an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1981. The current lineup consists of Thurston Moore (vocals and guitar), Kim Gordon (vocals, bass, guitar), Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar), Steve Shelley (drums), and Mark Ibold (bass). In their early career, Sonic Youth was associated with the No Wave art and music scene in New York City.
01 - 100% 02 - Swimsuit Issue 03 - Theresa's Sound-World 04 - Drunken Butterfly 05 - Shoot 06 - Wish Fulfillment 07 - Sugar Kane 08 - Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit 09 - Youth Against Fascism 10 - Nic Fit 11 - On The Strip 12 - Chapel Hill 13 - Jc 14 - Purr 15 - Créme Brûlèe